For the third year in a row, the Billiards and Snooker Congress of the Philippines (BSCP) will be holding the annual Philippine Juniors Pool Championship on July 10-12 at the Star Billiards Center in Quezon City .
The governing body for billiard sports in the country, the BSCP says it expects young players from all over the country to take part in the competition. It has mobilized billiards clubs to send representatives.
The event is open to all male players 19 years old and below. No entry fee is required. All interested participants, however, must submit a valid birth certificate to satisfy the age requirement.
Besides the highly coveted title of Philippine Junior Champion, the tournament this year offers an attractive prize fund of P140,000. The champion will receive P50,000 and the right to represent the country in the World Junior Pool Championship slated in the US in December.
The runner-up in the competition will get P25,000. Prizes will be given up to eighth place.
Previous winners of the Philippine Junior Pool Championship were Jerico Banares, 2008 champion who went on to place second in the world junior championship in Reno Nevada, and Macmac Mendoza, 2007 champion who represented the country in the 2007 championship in Germany.
Registration in the tournament is now ongoing. Interested participants may register at Star Billiards Center in Quezon City, tel. no. 3646041; BSCP secretary general Boying Santos-Viola at mobile no. 09215014550; or at Raya Sports, tel. 8952021.
For participants from the provinces, write and register with the tournament director, Mr. Sol Gueco. Email address: solgueco@rayasports.com.